Monday, 27 June 2011

Macedon Bushfire Mitigation Plan

Ron has drawn up a draft bushfire mitigation plan for the local area, on behalf of the Macedon Mount Macedon Fire Safety group. The final version of this plan will be incorporated into the Macedon Mount Macedon Draft Community Planning Report.
The Fire Safety group invites comment from anyone and everyone with a vested interest in the Macedon region. The group needs to gauge community opinion before going any further with this draft plan.

The details of the draft plan can be seen by clicking here, but the gist of it is:

Strategic fire breaks
  • facilitate harvest of the primary school  pine plantation and convert to a community park
  • reduce the fuel load in the Macedon Regional Park
  • consult with owners of local commercial pine plantations about setting up fire breaks
Neighbourhood Safer Place
  • a building protection zone around Tony Clarke stadium
  • Middle Gully Ck undergrowth
  • Cable St access to TC Reserve

Fuel Management
  • the railway corridor
  • local township fuel reduction
  • promote appropriate fuel reduction on private properties