Thursday, 19 January 2012

Community meeting Feb 5, 2012

On Feb 5 there'll be a Macedon / Mt Macedon community meeting to discuss the Community Planning Group's activities for 2011 and priorities for 2012.
This will include the Fire Safety group.

Feb 5, 2012, 2pm, Jubilee Hall, Macedon.

We need your feedback.

Anyone interested?
Anyone coming?

see  the CPG web site  for more info;    see the flyer 


  1. This Bushfire Mitigation Plan was written early last year in response to community concerns about Macedon's vulnerability to Bushfire. And we have good reason to be concerned because the fuel load, in and around the township, is the highest on record and eventually it will dry out. And if we continue to do nothing about it  the next Macedon bushfire could be a firestorm that arrives without warning.
    Our  MFMPC  is comprised of members of MRSC,  CFA, Parks Vic, Police. And their job is to develop strategies and plans to protect us from bushfire. We met with them in May 2011 to discuss our draft  Macedon Bushfire Mitigation Plan. We drew their attention to the buildup of fuel in the railway corridor,this "fuse from the north" is actually a Vic- Track responsibility, and it  was agreed that CFA would draw up a fuel reduction plan and commence implementation in autumn at the latest.
    The other issue discussed was the primary school pine plantation. Following the Canberra fires of 2003, some ofAustralia's leading bushfire scientists described such plantations as "a huge standing crop of fuel" that should never exist adjacent to towns. Nevertheless opinions differed regarding the magnitude of the threat this 13 acre site poses to the town. In order to resolve this issue we requested a computer simulation of a Macedon Bushfire using Kevin Tolhurst's numerical model and the black Saturday data base. This information is expected to be available soon and will be posted on the website. This is a powerful tool  because it gives an estimate of the extent to which the plantation would contribute to the intensification of a future fire. Furthermore valuable information is provided if the simulation can be 
    rerun with the pine plantation replaced by a grassy fire break
    Now the long awaited Tony Clarke  NSP project is finally underway after much lobbying and a bit of argy-bargy  with a few of our councillors. The one outstanding issue is who is going to be who is responsible for opening the stadium when we need it. So imagine if you wake up  in the night to an environment of smoke and burning embers and you manage to make your way to the NSP only to find it locked! 
    Now that the NSP is a reality, we can focus on the two outstanding goals in our BMP. And they are Strategic Fire Breaks and A Fuel management Program that is focused on protecting the homes in the township.
    The latest research from scientists at the ANU confirms that lives and properties can be saved with an effective fuel management program that is directly linked to protecting the community.
    The DSE practice of fuel reduction burns in remote regional parks and state forests reduce the Intensity of major wildfires, but do not directly reduce the impact on human life and property.
     We need your support to convince the MFMPC to incorporate these goals into their new MFM plan and then implement them. If we continue to do nothing, we invite disaster.
    Ron Fitt

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